Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things... No I haven't done them yet

I have to admit - I've been wanting to jump on the bandwagon with my own list, but I just haven't had the time.,8599,1877187,00.html?xid=newsletter-weekly

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Love Yourself :)

Isn't it nice, every once in a very slim while, to spend an afternoon by yourself to refocus?  I must admit, I'm generally not much of an advocate for solitude.

However, I have taken that time today, and while I'm not accomplishing everything I set out to do (honestly, when do I ever?), I believe the time I am spending was deeply necessary during this extremely hectic semester.

Tip of the Day:  Spend some time all by yourself.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I've been spending a significant amount of my free time (which is very limited, I'll admit) thinking about what direction my blog should take. You'd think it would be pretty obvious. I should think about topics that I'm interested in and knowledgeable about, and go from there. However, I have far too many topics that I'm interested in to ever really come to a decision.

One idea that passed through my central processor today was a blog with "tips". A tip of the day. The tip could be silly or serious, practical or unrealistic, brilliant or obvious.

I'm going to ponder this idea for the next few days, and get back to you all.

For now, your first tip, found on the internet: To avoid clammy hands, stop rubbing rubbing clams on your hands.

The story behind it: Andrea at work was complaining of her hands being clammy more frequently now than they had ever been for. Trying to help, I looked up remedies for clammy hands on the internet, and this is what one website suggested. Needless to say, we could not stop laughing for several minutes. The real cause of clammy hands turned out to be a rubber allergy, but I still can't help passing out great advice like this. :)

Other notes: I am much too busy right now to be spending time updating my blog.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I promise a more complete post is still to come...

These lyrics caught my ear. I know Taylor Swift is kind of an unsophisticated artist (or can appear to be), but I can't help it, I love her new cd!!

And there you are on your knees
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted
But I'm so sorry

'Cuz I'm not your princess
This ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone someday
Who might actually treat me well

This is a big world
That was a small town
There in my rearview mirror, disappearing now
Now it's too late for you and your white horse
To catch me now

Monday, January 26, 2009


Tonight I have quite a bit of work to get done. I'm a little nervous because I'm going to give my first few briefs a try. I know they're not for law school, just for an upper level political science course, but I'm still very excited. All work for my Civil Liberties class is exciting because it reminds me of the direction my life is taking.

Other things on my to-do list for tonight:
  • Begin working on my scholarship application - this includes writing a personal statement... those are so difficult for me. Any random compliment comments would be appreciated. I need concrete examples that I can use in this statement!! :)
  • Go to the gym with Jennie.
  • Homework for Accounting 620.
  • Email out group info for Acct 620, like I promised I would a week ago.
  • Read Eclipse. I love this book, but I also can't wait to move on to some of the others.
  • Get to bed at a respectable time, so that I can attempt to get up and go to the gym again in the morning with Zeph.
My life is crazy, but I am grateful for it!

Oh, a quick update on my birthday:

It went great!! The night started out with dinner at Abuelo's with my dad, grandma, and little sister. Then I rushed off to Margarita's with Kristi. We were trying to make it before 9, so that I could avoid getting carded. I stayed there for a while and then went back home to hang out with August and Chase. I was really tired for a while, until Kristi came over. She thought I was dead because I hadn't answered my phone for the past 3 hours!! That is extremely odd for me; I almost always answer my phone. Anyway, the phone was on vibrate so after that issue was solved, Kristi stayed for a while and we had a good rest of the night.

Next year is the big one... I can't wait!! :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Republican or Democrat, I think we can all appreciate what happened this morning at the 44th Presidential Inauguration ceremony. Our nation experienced a unified feeling of hope. Unity alone does wonders for the American people. I don't know about everyone else, but I still got that tingly feeling I used to get as a child when all the men and women joined together to sing the Star Spangled Banner. Moments like these make the average American feel like a part of something great; individuals feel like a part of history.

I just wanted to write these thoughts down as they came. Let's hope (our token word) that the next four years bring about true change for the American people. God knows we need it! :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Vacation fever

If I don't get out of Kansas soon, I think I'm going to lose my mind!! I'm so jealous of all my friends (Janice, Sarah, and Andrea) who have been able to get out of here and experience some other place.  I  know my chance will come in due time, but it still feels like it'll never get here.

On a good note... my birthday is coming up at the end of the week!!! I love my birthday.  Pretty much the best day of the year.  What could be better than a day honoring your birth where you surround yourself with all the people you like best?  

One other thing - my spring semester starts on Tuesday.  This is my second to last semester for my undergraduate degree!!  w00t w00t!  A few quick goals...
1. 4.0, obviously
2. make three new friends
3. really make an effort in civil liberties.. discuss... open your mind!

Okay, so this post isn't exactly the most brilliant writing I've ever done.  But I just think it's better to write something than nothing.